Just an excuse to post a selfie of me. I think I'm losing something again? Not a very positive minded now because so many bad happen in such a short period of time. I wanna get rid of everything asap and start a new life.
I'm seriously under a heavy pressure and stress, I think I'm gonna crazy soon.
I can't believe that someone wants me to be happy but in the same time giving me lots of pressure. Sorry I don't understand a thing what you meant and I have no idea that you love me too. Who are you that I have to tell you everything? Why should I be telling you my problems? Be my listener? Sorry I don't need it. You can't help me in anything. Because you can't even do a thing right so why should I look for you?
I'm seriously tired of everything. I'm happy when I was alone at overseas so that I have excuses for not seeing you. Because I hate the past. So much that I wanna abandon it away.
- 4:12 PM