Soya Milk, Tau Fu Fa and Spectacles.

5:22 PM

Just back from Petaling Street, also name as 茨厂街.
Their Chee Cheong Fun is nice and never forget about their Soya Bean and Tau Fu Fa.
Is supeeeerrr delicious!!
 (The stall is on the middle of the street, you can see a T-junction that lead 4 different road, is just on one of the corner.)

Petaling street aka 茨厂街~

The Soya Milk stall~=D

Front look~

The Chee Cheong Fun is inside the Pasar. Only open from morning till noon~

Then I saw something when I search for small hat for my buffet theme ~
is not easy, search everywhere and I can't find different hat nor sell tiny hat :/
I kinda stress on my next serving class, is because Im the Manager of the day!
I think is our 1st time we have different style of serving in our Truffles restaurant so Im kinda nervous and headache.
Wish me luck guys!

Back to the topic, I saw something cute so I decided to take it and post it up~
Is spectacles! I look kinda funney~Xp

This is Shock??

Beer design glass~

This look nerd and I look like Kururu in Keroro anime~

These are some other types. Cute isn't it? XD

By the way, Ciao~

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